Kickstart to Career Newaygo County is excited to offer the program to homeschool families residing in the Newaygo County Regional Educational Service Agency (NCRESA) school district or a township immediately adjacent to it.
Homeschool students who are in a current Kickstart to Career cohort—grades kindergarten through fourth during the 2022-2023 school year—are eligible.
Program details are the same, except homeschool parents will be mailed or emailed information to participate in bank lessons, earn incentives, and make private deposits to their student's account. You can find additional program information here.
Because Kickstart promotes college and career exploration, Kickstart partners with Newaygo County Promise Zone. If you anticipate your student may attend college or a trade school, we encourage you to register as a homeschool family through NCRESA to ensure eligibility for the Promise Zone. Doing so annually from grades seven through 12 helps ensure eligibility for the full benefit they can earn. Please note, this is not a requirement to participate in Kickstart to Career.
Program enrollment
Parents and guardians of homeschool students, please complete the following form to request your student's enrollment in the Kickstart program. Parent signature is required for submission.
By completing this form, you certify that you are either the student or the student's legal guardian and authorized to make changes to the student's account.